Lauren’s Substack
Not Your Usual Cancer Podcast
Ep7: Healing isn't Linear...

Ep7: Healing isn't Linear...

It doesn't go from A to B...

There’s the well known concept that ‘time heals’ but instead of this sense of incremental improvements, I’ve found that it comes in fits and starts. It’s been a few weeks since the last episode of this podcast and during that time I’ve been doing a lot of healing.

It’s so important to take time out for yourself- especially when recovering from cancer - in this episode I share about my recent experience going away for a retreat. Since finishing chemo, I’ve been away 4 times and each time have gone with the intention of allowing myself time and space to process buried feelings. Because, in everyday life, it’s a tendency I have and many have to ‘put them away for later’

I talk about creating a ‘wellness map’ to visually draw out the highs and lows both physically and mentally as it helps to process things.

Let me know what you think!

Lauren’s Substack
Not Your Usual Cancer Podcast
Let change the narrative about what it means to have survived a Cancer diagnosis. Lauren the host was diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer at age 39 last year and will be sharing her own unusual journey from self-diagnosis through to integrating energy work, breath work, visualisation, spiritual practices and much more. Let's experiment and find joy and fun again and release the heaviness that going through cancer can bring.