Lauren’s Substack
Not Your Usual Cancer Podcast
Ep5: Should we 'fight' Cancer?

Ep5: Should we 'fight' Cancer?

What is the alternative?

We see so much about cancer in the general media and it’s often portrayed in such a way that suggests we need to ‘fight’ - however going into ‘fight or flight’ mode only increases our stress levels, and that doesn’t help with healing our bodies and recovering. In this episode, I share the approach that helped me find a more calming way of dealing with it and why I don’t believe in saying ‘f*** you cancer’.

Lauren’s Substack
Not Your Usual Cancer Podcast
Let change the narrative about what it means to have survived a Cancer diagnosis. Lauren the host was diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer at age 39 last year and will be sharing her own unusual journey from self-diagnosis through to integrating energy work, breath work, visualisation, spiritual practices and much more. Let's experiment and find joy and fun again and release the heaviness that going through cancer can bring.
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Appears in episode
Lauren Roberts