Lauren’s Substack
Not Your Usual Cancer Podcast
Ep6: Returning to work after cancer

Ep6: Returning to work after cancer

Navigating the challenges resuming your career

So you’ve been through a cancer diagnosis, had treatment and taken time away from work… however long that has been for you, now you are considering your return to work. When is the right time to return?

Returning to work after cancer raises many challenges - the brain fog after chemo, navigating whether you talk about it openly with colleagues, how you manage your energy levels, and step away from feeling like a patient to going back into a position where you can make an impact in whatever you do. I share my experiences around returning to work after finishing chemotherapy and being given the all clear earlier this year.

In the first few weeks of my return to work - a hybrid role in London. In hindsight I was very much still in recovering - physically and mentally from my cancer journey:

Lauren’s Substack
Not Your Usual Cancer Podcast
Let change the narrative about what it means to have survived a Cancer diagnosis. Lauren the host was diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer at age 39 last year and will be sharing her own unusual journey from self-diagnosis through to integrating energy work, breath work, visualisation, spiritual practices and much more. Let's experiment and find joy and fun again and release the heaviness that going through cancer can bring.
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Lauren Roberts