Lauren’s Substack
Not Your Usual Cancer Podcast
Ep3: Is getting cancer my fault?

Ep3: Is getting cancer my fault?

My take on this question we ask ourselves

When we get that diagnosis, this is often one of the first questions that comes up- is it my fault that this has happened? Have I caused it in some way?

This is a topic I feel really strongly about as I think it’s all to easy to beat ourselves up over perceived mistakes we’ve made or ‘unhealthy’ choices we may have made in our lives.

Have a listen to hear my thoughts on this - exactly one year after my bowel resection operation to remove the tumour and 7 months after finishing active treatment and being given the ‘all clear.’ This time a year ago, I was in a lot of pain… right now, I’m honouring the day that my surgeon was able to remove it all and set me on the road to recovery.

Lauren’s Substack
Not Your Usual Cancer Podcast
Let change the narrative about what it means to have survived a Cancer diagnosis. Lauren the host was diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer at age 39 last year and will be sharing her own unusual journey from self-diagnosis through to integrating energy work, breath work, visualisation, spiritual practices and much more. Let's experiment and find joy and fun again and release the heaviness that going through cancer can bring.
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Lauren Roberts